Inspiring Business by Sharing Success

What is the Future Role of 5G? | The Business Influencer Podcast | Episode 4

What is the Future Role of 5G? | The Business Influencer Podcast | Episode 4

Welcome to The Business Influencer Podcast where we will interview and explore the success stories of entrepreneurs, business leaders, senior policymakers and get insights from thought leaders around the issues of the day.

In this episode, our host interviews Robert Franks, Managing Director of WM5G. He discusses the role of 5G in both society and industry. In particular, the role of the Internet of Things and 5G in areas of medicine, transport and manufacturing.

Has COVID-19 ensured that the adoption of technology has accelerated, bringing both challenges and opportunities?


Host - Ninder Johal DL

Videographer - Amarun Johal

Production - Simren K. Johal

Video editing - Stewart Lawley

Executive Producer - Narinder K. Johal

Music - EWC / Nachural Selection (Album)

© Copyright by Nachural Records / Nachural Publishing


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