Inspiring Business by Sharing Success

Free business network to reach thousands of businesses in the East Midlands

Free business network to reach thousands of businesses in the East Midlands

East Midlands business network service, KuKu Connect is launching a whole free service to aid and support thousands of businesses to ‘carry on going, carry on smiling & carry on connecting’.

KuKu Connect already works with thousands of businesses across the region to connect businesses and entrepreneurs to do business, form partnerships and to work together to support and promote the region’s economy, but from tomorrow will launch of emergency service using its digital and virtual platforms to keep a vital ‘lifeline’ for business to carry on connecting and working together to promote individual businesses and services.

The free service will be open to any business, organisation and charity. KuKu Connect will be sending out daily videos, which will feature and promote individual businesses and venues who have had to close. The videos will also include shout outs to businesses from each county in the region, asking other business people to connect, ‘Link In’ and/or visit their website. The daily video will include business tips on how to carry on with business, positive quotes and a daily song choice.

addition to the daily videos, KuKu Connect has opened up free business Facebook and LinkedIn groups which will allow any business to share positive news, promote their business and service, to help business peers and to promote opportunities and virtual/digital events that keep business going, but overall add to the community efforts and resilience of the country’s business communities.

KuKu Connect Directors Stephen Goddard and Philip Brooks-Stephenson who founded KuKu Connect will also be offering free advice sessions to individual business with creative ideas and support to keep business ticking over the peak periods of the COVID-19 pandemic which is effecting thousands of businesses in the region already.

“KuKu Connect is about supporting & connecting businesses and it is not going to stop now, so we are in a privileged position to have large communication platforms in which we can use these to help businesses, so please use the free services and let’s carry on together, to keep on going, to keep on smiling and to keep on connecting businesses.”

Said Stephen Goddard, KuKu Connect Co-Founder.

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