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SMB College Group Holds ‘Phenomenal’ IGNITE Launch Event at Melton Campus!

SMB College Group Holds ‘Phenomenal’ IGNITE Launch Event at Melton Campus!

Earlier this week, SMB College Group held a black-tie evening event to launch the ‘IGNITE’ Performing Arts Academy at their Melton Campus!


This highly anticipated Launch Event & Open Evening served to showcase what the Performing Arts courses at SMB College Group have to offer, with fantastic student performances, opportunities to meet current lecturers and support teams, and a chance to network with industry professionals and even some highly successful alumni!

The night began in the college’s very own Melton Theatre, with a welcome talk from Performing Arts Section Manager Phil Coates followed by an introduction to the courses from Acting Lecturer, Peter Groves. Guests were then treated to a series of brilliant performances from current Performing Arts students. Assistant Principal, Jon Laud, closed the presentation with a speech, followed by canapes and the opportunity to network.

Student Performances included:

  • Maggie Bolton and Millie Walpole singing Seventeen from the musical Heathers.
  • Isabelle Edwards and Dom Daw performing their duet from last year’s Maze Runner show.
  • Scarlett Taylor singing As Long as He Needs Me from their upcoming pantomime Scrooge. (Book tickets here: )
  • Degree Students performing I Got the Next Dance from their upcoming show Aurora.

Some of the College’s star-studded alumni also attended the event, including Joshua Lloyd, who recently starred as Scar in The Lion King, and Jennifer Greene, who starred in and managed the recent production of Women in Rock – and who is also joining SMB College Group as a singing teacher!

Performing Arts Section Manager, Phil Coates, said

“Tonight is about moving into an exciting period of change which will see development of the Theatre space and students’ spaces, whilst also giving the team an identity that reflects what they do - igniting a spark than can lead to careers in the performance industries, building confidence and providing opportunities.”

One school leaver who attended the event, Hannah, called the event ‘phenomenal’, she added

"I enjoyed the evening so much and thought the courses are wonderful! I'm going home and putting my application straight in for Musical Theatre! Fingers crossed I'm offered a place, as everyone was so nice and welcoming."

SMB College Group is one of the leading Performing Arts Academies in the  region, with superb teaching, excellent industry links and state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none – including the 340-seat commercial Melton Theatre.

Performing Arts Lecturer, Catherine Webb, said

“We are all so excited to launch IGNITE as the new home of performing arts in Melton. It’s been a long time in the planning, and I feel lucky to be a small part of the team behind it.

“Having worked at the college for some time now it has been interesting to see the department evolve. Our students always create work of such a high standard, and are so proud of the work they do while with us – taking real pride in having been part of the college.

“IGNITE is the beginning of a new creative space where the legacy of Performing Arts and Melton can continue, and a new era can emerge.”

If you’re interested in studying Performing Arts with SMB College Group - apply now for 2024! -

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