Inspiring Business by Sharing Success
Added by Love Business East Midlands | 14 January 2013
UPDATED: 11 February 2013
Hi I’m Rob Brown and I’m head of the Global Networking Council. We work with and interview all the top networkers in the world to find out what they are doing so we can bring that great stuff to you.
Lets talk about the 4 top tactics for networkers to stay in touch. It’s no good meeting somebody once and expecting great things to happen you are not going to sell to someone after only one interaction and they are certainly not going to refer you after meeting you once so you have to find ways to stay in touch, develop the relationship and stay connected. Here are four great ways to do that.
Number one – celebrate special occasions – use things like Christmas, Easter, birthdays, thanksgiving, anniversaries to put in a phone call to people, send them a quick text, a quick message or even a quick card – it’s a great way to stay connected.
The second thing you can do is to offer a possible referral – its one of the best things you can do to people. If you find out what they are looking for , can you put a new client customer their way, can you put a prospect on their radar that they can convert for some business – that really makes you memorable.
The third thing is to make a quick connections, make quick introductions to people – I can across this person and I thought you might be interested in them, I’m just sending a quick email to you two people, I thought you should talk and say a bit about each one, but making introductions to great resources and things like that for people, could really help stay in touch.
The fourth and final thing is to give a nice gift – send somebody a book, point them to a website or send them an article that is going to be of interest to them. There are loads of nice gifts you can send to people that will make them smile and make their day – and it’s a fantastic tactic for keeping in touch.
So know, if you are going to be a world class networker, its not just about a one night stand its about making the relationship endure and finding reasons to stay in touch with people is the trait of a world class connector